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Site specific theatre and arts have become increasingly popular and the influence of technology in art has led to an increase in installation work. However the majority of this work either relies on found spaces or adapting work into traditional theatres and galleries. This project imagines a new typology of theatre and art building to facilitate new types of performance.

The project is a public house and a theatre that utilises the full potential of interactive digital projections and discreet machinery to enable more possibilities for creativity in theatre productions, and how these two programs can work in tandem to provide a site-specific proposal for Walthamstow.

The qualities of the public house are informed by Ray Oldenburg’s analysis of what he calls the successful “Third Places”, a place between home and work which creates a much-needed sense of belonging and decompression for everyday life. Whereas the theatre encourages productions which provide a visceral narrative-driven escape as well as influences the pub spaces around it.

Walthamstow's Digital Theatre

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